It’s R@cist! Queen’s Black Equerry Nana Kofi Spill Meghan Called Him Disgusting And Kicked Him Out

The Queen’s esteemed black aquery, Nana Kofi, has come forward with damning allegations against Megan Markle, who allegedly labeled him disgusting and removed him from his duties when he was assigned to her.

Kofi, a respected figure within the royal household, claims that his experience with Megan was anything but professional.

In a viral interview, Kofi recounted the harrowing experience of being assigned to Megan, where she refused to be assisted by him and demanded his immediate replacement.

This incident has ignited a firestorm of controversy, with many calling for a thorough investigation into the allegations and questioning Megan’s sincerity regarding her advocacy for racial justice.

The scandal comes at a time when the royal family is already under intense scrutiny, and the allegations could further strain relations within the family and damage the public’s perception of the monarchy.

The royal family has been urged to take a stand against such behavior, as the monarchy cannot afford to be seen as complicit in such behavior.

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