Rachel Zegler tells Meghan to her face that Archie is not her son and demand proof live on Jimmy Fallon

Rachel Ziggler, the rising star of Westside Story, has sparked a social media firestorm by accusing Megan Markle of not being the biological mother of her son Archie during a live appearance on The Tonight Show.

The incident, which has since gone viral, has left audiences stunned and divided, fueling the ongoing controversy surrounding the Duchess of Sussex.

Ziggler’s confrontation on the show left Megan visibly taken aback and struggled to maintain her composure.

The conversation quickly spread to social media, with hashtags like #RachelV’s Megan and #Archiegate trending. Supporters of Megan have defended her actions, while critics have argued that Ziggler’s actions are inappropriate and disrespectful.

The public’s fascination with Megan Markle and the enduring allure of royal intrigue ensures that this incident will be dissected and debated for weeks to come.

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