A New York store called the police to handle a man who was spotted shoplifting. When cops arrived, they confronted the suspect, and their body Cam footage captured the encounter as it unfolded. Officers Chris Cartwright and Jason Velez with the Mount Vernon Police Department Department responded to a call from a Dollar Tree store in Mount Vernon, New York. According to the call, the man was attempting to shoplift from the store on a Sunday afternoon.

When the officers arrived, the suspect was still on the premises. The cops cautiously questioned the man, who was honest and upfront with them. When confronted by the cops, the shoplifting suspect admitted that he was in need of socks and that he had attempted to steal multiple pairs. Police bodycam video captured the confrontation and showed the Mount Vernon police officers responding in a way that garnered them praise and applause from both their Department and social media users alike after their footage was posted to MVPD’s Facebook page. During a calm conversation with the Mount Vernon police officers, the shoplifting suspect explained that he was homeless and in need of the socks that he was pilfering, the Blaze reported.

Although the cops had reason to put the man in handcuffs, the officers opted for a more compassionate response, one of them offering to buy the man over a dozen pair of socks as long as he agreed to stop stealing. As soon as we went up, he gave me a look. You got me. He was honest. Upfront rolled with it, Officer Cartwright recalled.  Read the full story here ▶