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NOT A CHANCE! Charles Spencer Exposes Harry’s Lie: Meghan WASN’T EVER OFFERED the Spencer Tiara

Charles Spencer, the brother of Meghan Markle’s late mother, Diana, denied that she was ever offered the Spencer Tiara.

Spencer said that the tiara is a family heirloom that is passed down to the eldest daughter of the family. As Meghan is not the eldest daughter of her family, she would not have been eligible to wear the tiara.

Spencer’s comments contradict what Prince Harry has said in the past. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Harry said that Meghan was offered the tiara but chose not to wear it because she didn’t feel comfortable with it.

It is unclear why Harry would have made this claim. It is possible that he was mistaken, or that he was trying to protect Meghan’s feelings. However, Spencer’s comments suggest that Harry was not telling the truth.

The Spencer Tiara is a valuable and important piece of jewelry. It is understandable that Meghan would have been honored to be offered the tiara, but it is also understandable that she would have declined if she didn’t feel comfortable wearing it.

The fact that Harry made this claim in the first place suggests that he may not have been entirely honest with the public about his relationship with Meghan. This is not the first time that Harry has been accused of misleading the public. In the past, he has been accused of exaggerating his military service and of making false claims about his family.

It is important to note that Harry has not yet responded to Spencer’s comments. It is possible that he will issue a statement clarifying his position. However, until then, it is unclear whether or not he was telling the truth about the Spencer Tiara.

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