“The suggestion that the Duke of Cornwall has gifted the Duchess of Sussex a property is false,” a palace spokesperson said. “The Duke of Cornwall has not purchased the property at any point in time.”

The spokesperson also said that the ranch is owned by a private company, and that Markle has no financial interest in it.

Markle’s statement has raised eyebrows, as it is unusual for a member of the royal family to make such a personal disclosure. It is also unclear why Markle would make such a statement if it were not true.

The denial from the palace has further strained relations between Markle and the royal family. Markle has previously accused the royal family of racism and of bullying her. The palace has denied these allegations.

The palace’s denial of Markle’s statement has been met with mixed reactions. Some people believe that the palace is lying, while others believe that Markle is lying.

It is unclear what the future holds for Markle and the royal family. However, it is clear that the relationship between the two sides is at an all-time low.

The palace’s denial of Markle’s statement is a significant development in the ongoing saga between Markle and the royal family. It is a sign that the palace is not willing to let Markle’s allegations go unchallenged.

The denial is also a sign that the palace is concerned about the damage that Markle’s allegations could do to the royal family’s reputation. The palace is likely hoping that the denial will help to clear the air and restore public trust in the royal family.

However, it is unclear whether the denial will be enough to appease the public. Markle’s allegations have been widely reported in the media, and they have already damaged the royal family’s reputation. It is possible that the damage is already done, and that the denial will not be enough to repair it.

It is also unclear what the future holds for Markle and the royal family. The relationship between the two sides is at an all-time low, and it is possible that it will never be repaired. However, it is also possible that the two sides will be able to find a way to move forward. Only time will tell what the future holds.