Meghan Markle collapsed after WME announced her image recovery rate was 0. However, there have been reports that she has been feeling “isolated” and “under attack” in recent months.

In March 2023, Meghan Markle’s animated series “Pearl” was canceled by Netflix. The show was one of several projects that Netflix canceled as part of a cost-cutting measure.

In April 2023, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s podcast deal with Spotify was also terminated. The couple had only released one season of their podcast, “Archetypes.”

These cancellations have led to speculation that Meghan Markle is no longer in favor with Hollywood. Some celebrities have reportedly distanced themselves from her, and she has been the subject of negative headlines.

In May 2023, Meghan Markle gave an interview to Oprah Winfrey in which she spoke about her experience of being “cancelled.” She said that she felt like she was being “silenced” and that she was “afraid to speak up.”

It is unclear how Meghan Markle will respond to the cancellation of her projects and the distancing of celebrities from her. However, it is clear that she is feeling the pressure and that she is not taking it lightly.

It is also possible that the news of her image recovery rate being 0 was a contributing factor to her feeling isolated and under attack. If she feels like her public image is in ruins, it is understandable that she would feel like she is being rejected by the world.

Only time will tell how Meghan Markle will cope with these challenges. However, it is clear that she is a strong and resilient woman who has overcome adversity in the past. It is possible that she will find a way to rebuild her image and regain her footing in Hollywood.