The media has been closely following the lives of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, especially since their decision to step back from the royal family.
However, there are growing concerns about the longevity of their marriage. Numerous outlets have reported that the Sussexes frequently engage in arguments and disagreements.

According to a report by New Idea, Prince Harry has been struggling to adapt to life in the United States. The abrupt separation from his family, with unresolved issues lingering, has undoubtedly caused considerable turmoil. A royal insider described Prince Harry as feeling like a fish out of water in America.

The magazine further claimed that it was Meghan who encouraged Prince Harry to distance himself from his family, despite his public appearances suggesting otherwise. The source revealed that although Prince Harry maintained a facade of happiness during interviews, those close to him could tell he wasn’t truly content. However, a former royal protection officer quoted in the tabloid stated that the royal family would welcome Prince Harry back with open arms, whether or not he returned with his wife.

Most recently, at the NAACP Awards ceremony, Prince Harry’s discomfort was evident to body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass. She observed that he appeared embarrassed and seemed reluctant to be there, contrasting Meghan’s confident demeanor on stage. Dr. Glass noted Prince Harry’s awkward movements, including looking down at the award, rocking back and forth, and pulling away from Meghan.

At one point, Meghan turned her head toward him and gave him a stern look, indicating that he needed to focus and be aware of his actions. Prince Harry displayed signs of embarrassment, occasionally pursing his lips and looking at the camera without smiling. He seemed uncomfortable throughout the event, resembling a child who urgently needs to use the restroom.

Dr. Glass emphasized that Prince Harry’s body language conveyed his reluctance to attend the event. In contrast, Meghan appeared at ease as she maintained direct eye contact with the camera and spoke eloquently.

The body language expert also pointed out that Harry’s behavior was surprising, considering he had grown up in front of cameras. It was evident that he was unhappy and uncomfortable, as reflected in his body language.

Additionally, another body language expert suggested that Meghan often reassures Prince Harry during public appearances, while the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, appear more natural and at ease. Comparing the two couples in public settings, the expert noted similarities to Princess Diana’s behavior.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge effortlessly navigate royal engagements, whether attending together or individually, while Prince Harry often appears out of his element. Meghan’s supportive gestures and encouragement help boost his confidence.

Although there have been affectionate moments between Harry and Meghan during their recent trip to the Netherlands, some of Harry’s gestures reveal a tired and stressed version of himself that is uncharacteristic. It is evident that he is trying to meet everyone’s expectations, but the move to California appears to have significantly impacted him.

While the media continues to cover Harry and Meghan’s lives, there are growing concerns about the stability of their marriage. Reports of their constant bickering and Prince Harry’s struggles with his new life in the United States raise questions about the future of their relationship.