Prince Harry could be deported from the United States. On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, a judge will hear arguments from Harry’s lawyers and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) about whether Harry’s visa should be revoked.

Harry is currently in the United States on a visa that allows him to stay for six months. However, the DHS has argued that Harry’s visa should be revoked because he is no longer a member of the royal family and therefore does not have a legitimate reason to be in the United States.

Harry’s lawyers have argued that the DHS is trying to deport him for political reasons. They have also argued that Harry is a victim of discrimination because he is a member of the royal family.

The judge who will hear the arguments is Judge Anthony Trenga. Trenga is a Trump appointee and is considered to be a conservative judge. It is not clear how Trenga will rule in the case.

If Trenga rules in favor of the DHS, Harry could be deported from the United States. This would be a major blow to Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle. The couple have made their home in California since they stepped back from royal duties in 2020. They have two young children, Archie and Lilibet.

It is important to note that the judge’s ruling is not final. Harry could appeal the ruling to a higher court.

Here is a reaction from a lawyer about the case:

“This is a very serious case. If the judge rules in favor of the DHS, it could set a precedent for other foreign nationals who are no longer members of their royal families. It could also make it more difficult for other foreign nationals to obtain visas to the United States.”

The lawyer added that “Harry’s lawyers have a strong case. They have argued that the DHS is trying to deport Harry for political reasons. They have also argued that Harry is a victim of discrimination because he is a member of the royal family.”

The lawyer concluded by saying that “it is too early to say what the judge will rule. However, this is a very important case and it is worth watching closely.”