«Schlitzie: The life behind the stage!» The incredible story of Simon Metz will pique everyone’s interest

When people first see this person, they keep calling him «Ape Man» and «Bearded Girl», but only few know the true story! 🤫😲 Believe it or not, it was a man and he performed at the circus! 🧐😱 There, he adopted the name Schlitzie and captivated millions of spectators! 😮👏 For more – see the article! 👇

There is no denying that having a look at this person evokes strong emotions. Some burst into laughter, while the others find this evil smile and non-standard look so horrible that they can’t handle looking any longer. In one word, no one can remain indifferent and not leave a comment.

Simply put, we deal with a unique «character» who was frequently called «Ape Man», «A Bearded girl» and «A Woman with a Bow». This wildly interesting person captivated large audiences. Not everyone knows that he performed at circuses.

Let’s start with the fact that we deal with a man, not a woman. Unfortunately, his birth name, exact birth date and the identity of his parents still remain unveiled. Supposedly, he was born in September 1901 and his name was Simon Metz.

It was his distinctive looks that opened many doors and let him find a job at the circus. He was raised by his surrogate father, animal trainer George Curtis who cared for him just like his own child. It was at the circus where he was given the name Schlitzi.

Sadly enough, he passed away in 1971 and his passing left the whole world in tears and sorrow.

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