Angelina Jolie reveals feelings about working alongside her teenage daughter Vivienne for first time

Angelina Jolie recently shared her thoughts on the experience of working with her teenage daughter, Vivienne, for the first time. 

The renowned actress and humanitarian opened up about their collaboration on a Broadway musical, which marked a shift from their usual involvement in films and television.

Angelina Jolie reflects on her first-time collaboration with teenage daughter Vivienne. Image Credit: Getty
Angelina Jolie reflects on her first-time collaboration with teenage daughter Vivienne. Image Credit: Getty

Angelina Jolie reveals feelings about working alongside her teenage daughter Vivienne for first time

Last year, Angelina Jolie announced her participation in the Broadway musical, “The Outsiders,” and it was her daughter, Vivienne, who played a significant role in bringing this opportunity to fruition. 

In an interview with Deadline, Jolie expressed how Vivienne has a deep appreciation for theater and had already seen “The Outsiders” multiple times at La Jolla.

Angelina Jolie announced her Broadway musical participation in
Angelina Jolie announced her Broadway musical participation in “The Outsiders,” with daughter Vivienne playing a key role. Image Credit: Getty

According to Jolie, Vivienne’s passion for the musical influenced her decision to become involved. 

She remarked that her daughter not only knows what aspects of theater resonate with her but also communicates her feelings about it. 

It was through Vivienne’s enthusiasm that Jolie became intrigued and eventually agreed to watch the production alongside her.

Jolie mentioned her daughter's understanding of theater and ability to express her feelings about it. Image Credit: Getty
Jolie mentioned her daughter’s understanding of theater and ability to express her feelings about it. Image Credit: Getty

As they embarked on this creative journey together, Jolie gained a unique perspective. 

She mentioned that the director, Danya Taymor, emphasized the significance of the musical for teenagers, as it was written by someone of Vivienne’s age. 

This realization allowed Jolie to view the show through her daughter’s eyes, providing a deeper understanding of the impact it had on her as a young person.

When asked about the specific aspects that resonated with Vivienne, Jolie acknowledged the complexity of her daughter’s character and stated that it is challenging to speak on her behalf.

Jolie highlighted the director's emphasis on the musical's significance for teenagers, written by someone Vivienne's age. Image Credit: Getty
Jolie highlighted the director’s emphasis on the musical’s significance for teenagers, written by someone Vivienne’s age. Image Credit: Getty

However, Jolie believes that the musical delves into profound and honest themes, refusing to shy away from real emotions, discussions, and even pain.

The experience of working alongside Vivienne not only allowed Jolie to witness her daughter’s growth but also provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by young people today.

Jolie acknowledged that these are difficult times, and teenagers are keen on engaging in real and meaningful conversations.

Jolie acknowledges challenging times, teenagers' desire for meaningful conversations. Image Credit: Getty
Jolie acknowledges challenging times, teenagers’ desire for meaningful conversations. Image Credit: Getty

She emphasized the importance of not sugarcoating life for them, but instead meeting them where they are and addressing the complex realities they encounter.

Previously, the decision made by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter, Vivienne, to remove her father’s last name has caused quite a stir.

Vivienne, who is one of Jolie and Pitt’s six children, recently decided to drop her father’s last name, “Pitt,” from her own.

The 15-year-old’s choice was spotted when she was involved in the production of a new musical called “The Outsiders,” alongside her mother.

Vivienne's choice to remove Brad Pitt's last name sparked controversy and attracted attention. Image Credit: Getty
Vivienne’s choice to remove Brad Pitt’s last name sparked controversy and attracted attention. Image Credit: Getty

Interestingly, Vivienne’s name in the Playbill was listed as Vivienne Jolie instead of Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, indicating a change in her surname. 

This is not the first instance of name changes among Jolie and Pitt’s children. Last year, their eldest daughter, Zahara, introduced herself as “Zahara Marley Jolie” in a video shared by Essence magazine.