Edward Norton stunned after finding out he was a direct descendant of Pocahontas

Edward Norton, the renowned Hollywood actor, recently made a surprising ancestral discovery that has captivated both his fans and history enthusiasts. 

It turns out that Norton is a direct descendant of the iconic Native American figure, Pocahontas.

Actor Edward Norton recently discovered he's a direct descendant of Pocahontas Image Credit: Getty
Actor Edward Norton recently discovered he’s a direct descendant of Pocahontas Image Credit: Getty

Edward Norton was surprised after finding out he’s a direct descendant of Pocahontas

Despite hearing tales about his family’s connection to Pocahontas, Norton had always regarded it as mere “family legend.” 

However, through extensive genealogical research, he has now confirmed the validity of this remarkable lineage. 

Norton dismissed the tales of his family's connection to Pocahontas as mere
Norton dismissed the tales of his family’s connection to Pocahontas as mere “family legend.” Image Credit: Getty

Edward Norton, the famous actor, recently found out that he is directly descended from Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan. 

Historian and host Henry Louis Gates Jr confirmed that Edward Norton is a direct descendant of Pocahontas. 

Gates traced documents about Norton’s ancestors all the way back to the marriage certificate between Pocahontas and John Rolfe in 1614.

Pocahontas, born in 1596, was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of the Powhatan people in east Virginia. When English settlers arrived in Jamestown in 1607, Pocahontas was around 11 years old.

Pocahontas, born in 1596, was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of the Powhatan people in Virginia. Image Credit: Getty
Pocahontas, born in 1596, was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of the Powhatan people in Virginia. Image Credit: Getty

During this time, Captain John Smith was captured by Powhatan’s brother, Opechancanough, and was taken to several Powhatan towns in east Virginia.

The history of Pocahontas 

According to the story, Smith was to be executed by having his skull smashed with a club. However, Pocahontas intervened and laid her head upon his, preventing the execution.

Through these historical documents, it has been confirmed that Edward Norton has a direct familial connection to Pocahontas and John Rolfe, her husband. 

Pocahontas saved Captain John Smith from execution by laying her head upon his. Image Credit: Getty
Pocahontas saved Captain John Smith from execution by laying her head upon his. Image Credit: Getty

In 1613, Pocahontas was captured by the English and held as a prisoner. 

She was later forced to convert to Christianity and married John Rolfe, a tobacco planter, in April 1614. 

After two years, she was taken to the United Kingdom, where she was displayed as a curiosity representing the “New World.”

Sadly, she passed away in March 1617 in Gravesend, a town in southern England, due to an unspecified illness.

Edward Norton heard family tales about being related to Pocahontas, thinking it was a mere legend. Image Credit: Getty
Edward Norton heard family tales about being related to Pocahontas, thinking it was a mere legend. Image Credit: Getty

As the generations multiply, each of us has a staggering 16,384 12th great-grandparents.

While it may seem impressive to be the 12th great-grandchild of Pocahontas, the number of individuals in our family tree doubles with each generation. 

For example, we each have four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and 16 great-great-grandparents. Following this pattern, every one of us actually has a staggering 16,384 12th great-grandparents.