Britain’s King Charles has reportedly made a significant decision in response to the rumors surrounding Rose Hanury and the alleged affair involving Prince William. Following the controversy surrounding Katherine’s photo, rumors have once again inundated the internet, suggesting that the future King is engaged in an affair with Rose. These rumors gained traction after Steven Kar’s comments. Now, a new report claims that King Charles has made a momentous decision. The monarch is allegedly determined to attend this year’s Trooping the Color ceremony in London. However, due to his ongoing cancer treatment, it is speculated that King Charles might appear in a carriage rather than riding on horseback.
An insider, speaking to MA Online, revealed that there are several upcoming events that His Majesty would love to attend, and the Trooping the Color ceremony is at the top of the list. Prince William and his father are both resolute in their determination to participate in the annual birthday parade on June 15th. Although King Charles has postponed most of his public engagements since his cancer diagnosis, the media is abuzz with anticipation over a potential major announcement from the Royal Family. Reports suggest that the BBC events production unit has been put on standby for what is being described as an extremely important revelation expected to come forth imminently. However, these reports remain unconfirmed. Amidst these developments, statements continue to be released regarding the Princess of Wales’ hiatus from Royal duties as she recovers from abdominal surgery.

What initially sparked interest among Royal enthusiasts has now escalated into a global phenomenon, spawning numerous theories and speculations across social media platforms. In recent hours, Twitter feeds have been flooded with posts about impending news from Buckingham Palace. Some posts claim that the news could break within 72 hours.

Nevertheless, a source close to an insider has stated that the sealed news may not necessarily be related to Princess Katherine’s health. It is possible that it could be the long-awaited announcement concerning Harry and Megan’s secrets. Furthermore, it seems that the media at large is aware enough to sense the difficulties faced by Harry and Megan. WME and its affiliates are working tirelessly to keep unfavorable news out of the public eye. Harry and Megan are reportedly paying a significant price for this, but it appears that there is an entity in the UK actively protecting them as well. Various embargoes are in place, dictating what can and cannot be reported, or reported yet. In the US, the word is “no,” but in the UK, it’s “wait.” Something substantial is about to unfold over there, and it is likely to commence with the British press. Speculations suggest that the alleged surrogacy may be revealed, albeit amidst a legal battle.

Nevertheless, hints scattered everywhere indicate that there is something significant behind it. Additionally, remove the apostrophes around the word “fake” in the headline from the UK tabloid, The Express, regarding the Megan and Harry snap. It appears that an editor had fun distorting the truth. The mere fact that the late Queen did not include herself in the official Archie Palace photo is a significant indication. It has almost been hiding in plain sight. Meanwhile, some individuals believe that the King has passed away.

As we were previously informed, his cancer was detected early and is highly treatable. Let us recall that the late Queen’s passing was announced by the BBC at 6:00 p.m. on the same day it occurred, at 1,510 hours. I do believe that something momentous is on the horizon, but it won’t happen today. It won’t be related to death either. Certain aspects of Harry and Megan’s actions in the past are coming back to haunt them.