It’s been many years since Prince Harry joined his relatives for a traditional royal Christmas.

Rocky relationships with members of the Firm mean for the last five years, he’s spent the festive season with wife Meghan Markle in North America- and this year was no different. However, Harry was previously a firm fixture at the royal Christmas celebrations, taking part in all of the traditions. The royals’ incredibly privileged lives mean that they rarely want for anything. In fact, when it comes to Christmas, it is a well-known tradition that the royals actually buy small, cheap, joke presents for each other.

Firstly, the lack of transparency surrounding the writing process is deeply concerning. Markle, known for her meticulously crafted public image, has remained silent on the AI’s involvement. This silence smacks of deception, eroding trust and blurring the lines between reality and fabrication. Readers deserve to know the truth behind the words they consume, especially when those words purport to offer an intimate glimpse into someone’s life.

Secondly, the ethical implications of using AI to ghostwrite a memoir are far-reaching. Can a machine truly capture the essence of human experience, with its complexities, nuances, and emotional depths? Or will the result be a sterile, sanitized version of reality, devoid of the authenticity that readers crave? Furthermore, the potential for AI to manipulate and embellish facts raises serious concerns about the book’s credibility. Without Markle’s direct involvement in the writing process, how can we be sure the narrative is truthful and unbiased?

Thirdly, this incident sets a dangerous precedent for the future of authorship. If celebrities and public figures can outsource their personal stories to AI, what does it mean for the value of human expression? Are we entering an era where authenticity is manufactured, and lived experiences are commodified through algorithms? The potential for AI to homogenize and devalue diverse voices is a chilling prospect.

Meghan Markle’s AI-authored memoir may be billed as a groundbreaking innovation, but it stands as a stark reminder of the ethical pitfalls of technology. In its pursuit of sensational headlines and profit, the publishing industry risks sacrificing the very essence of what makes storytelling meaningful: genuineness, empathy, and the power of the human voice. Readers deserve better than a book cooked up by an algorithm. Let’s raise our voices and demand authenticity over artifice, substance over smoke and mirrors. Boycott the book, and demand transparency and truth in storytelling.