In a shocking display of frustration, King Charles III has reportedly referred to his son, Prince Harry, as “that fool” in a private conversation. The outburst is said to have been prompted by Harry’s recent criticism of the royal family in a series of interviews and public statements.

According to sources close to the situation, Charles’s outburst came during a heated discussion with a senior royal aide. Charles reportedly expressed his exasperation with Harry’s behavior, calling him “disrespectful,” “disloyal,” and “self-serving.”

“Charles is at his wit’s end with Harry,” a source revealed. “He feels that Harry has betrayed the family and that he is not fit to be a royal.”

The sources also stated that Charles is concerned about the impact of Harry’s actions on the monarchy. He reportedly fears that Harry’s criticism could damage the reputation of the royal family and undermine its authority.

“Charles is desperate to protect the monarchy,” another source stated. “He believes that Harry’s behavior is a threat to everything he has worked for.”

The reported outburst by King Charles is a sign of the deep rift that has developed between him and his son. The relationship between the two has been strained for several years, but it has reached a new low in recent months.

Harry’s criticism of the royal family has been particularly damaging to his relationship with his father. Charles reportedly feels that Harry’s attacks are personal and that they are aimed at undermining his position as King.

It is unclear whether Harry and Charles will be able to reconcile their differences. However, the reported outburst by Charles suggests that the rift between them is likely to continue for some time to come.