Despite not receiving an invitation, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle remain steadfast in their determination to spend Christmas at London’s Soho Farmhouse. Even after facing a public snub from the royal family, their desire to be part of the Royal festivities was dashed when the official guest list for Christmas at Sandringham was leaked, revealing their absence.
According to a friend of King Charles, the decision to exclude Harry and Meghan was deliberate, with Charles and his team carefully considering when and how to extend an invitation. Some reports suggest that they might be invited for New Year at Balmoral. However, the situation is further complicated by the fact that less than a year ago, Prince Harry published his book “Spare” in which he made unflattering comments about Prince William, referring to him as his arch nemesis and accusing him and Kate Middleton of mistreatment.

Harry also divulged private conversations, claimed Queen Cila sacrificed him for personal PR gains, and characterized the king as weak and selfish. Understandably, this has created an awkward atmosphere, making a Christmas reconciliation less likely. Despite their uninvited status, sources reveal that Harry and Meghan are determined to spend Christmas in the UK, fearing complete estrangement. Meghan is reportedly urging Harry to take a solo trip to meet with Charles and William in a last-ditch effort to maintain some connection with the royal family.

However, their decision to attend without an invitation means they’ll have to cover their accommodation and security expenses. They need to apply for security a month in advance and be approved by the British government. Speculation abounds that their aim is to steal headlines and attention during the holiday season by staying at Soho Farmhouse, a place they are familiar with. This move could attract a larger gathering of supporters, making it appear as though they have a substantial following.

Their decision to leave their children behind for the occasion has drawn criticism, with some questioning their parenting choices. There is information suggesting that Prince Harry is too consumed by Meghan Markle to think logically and has grown tired of the monarchy.

The decline of Prince Harry’s relationship with the rest of the royal family has recently come to light. Royal commentator Robert Jobson weighed in on these claims during his most recent interview with the Mirror. The main reference point is his book, where Jobson recalled an instance where the Duke was accused of swearing at his father due to depleting funds.

Detailed instances where Prince Harry would often call Queen Elizabeth and leave her weary and tired emerged. Her Majesty found Prince Harry’s calls quite difficult and wearisome. Jobson quoted a source saying that even the late Queen made it clear at that time that she didn’t want to interfere in the father/son relationship and would urge him to speak to his father in regards to his relationship with King Charles.

However, Prince Harry ended up getting shut down cold as a result of swearing, and Prince Charles simply stopped taking Harry’s calls after his son swore at him and repeatedly asked for funds. Allegedly, when the Queen asked Charles why he hadn’t given in, he told her that he wasn’t a bank. A separate extract from Jobson’s book recounted frustrated text exchanges with the late monarch, Queen Elizabeth, admitting that she was really frustrated with Prince Harry. Allegedly, she felt Prince Harry was so consumed by his love for Meghan that it was clouding his judgment, especially after she started feeling way too tired of his constant criticism of the monarchy.