The ever-dynamic duo, Harry and Meghan, have once again tried to step into the limelight, this time attempting to rescue the somewhat sinking ship that is the Invictus Games in Canada. But Twitter didn’t waste a moment and roasted them thoroughly. Buckle up, folks; this is going to be quite a ride. Now, the reports are flooding in, accompanied by a plethora of pictures and videos, showing Harry and Meghan jetting off to Canada to attend an NHL hockey game.
Why, you ask? Well, apparently, it’s an attempt to salvage the Invictus Games, which are reportedly facing turmoil in the lead-up to their scheduled date in 2025. The gruesome twosome decided they needed to swoop in and play the role of heroes. But here’s the twist – while at the hockey game, they shamelessly promoted the next Invictus Games, conveniently sidestepping the questions surrounding missing funds and organizational chaos.

Let’s dive into some of Twitter’s reactions. Megan’s Maul, a straight shooter, wonders why Harry and Meghan didn’t show up to the game with a couple of veterans to enjoy the game with, considering their supposed patronage. Instead, they chose the path of self-promotion, which, let’s be honest, is becoming quite predictable.

Then there’s the suspicion about who footed the bill for Harry and Meg’s hockey game escapade. Megan’s Maul again raises questions about whether Invictus Games funds were used to pay for their attendance, a valid point indeed. Respected Royal commentator Angela Levan adds fuel to the fire, stating that the Invictus Games is desperate for money, and concerns are mounting about its ability to operate smoothly. She also echoes the sentiment that people within the organization might not want it to go ahead, especially Harry and Meghan.

Now, let’s talk fashion. Harry’s great suit calls out Meghan for wearing a $115,000 necklace to a hockey game, which some find a bit extravagant, especially when Catherine was criticized for wearing a $400 shirt. Megan’s Maul, always on point, takes a jab at Meghan for setting up photos at hockey games to grab attention. According to Megan’s Maul, the transparency is all too real, and Twitter seems to agree.

And let’s not forget Marcus Anderson, the alleged pimp, as Megan’s Maul humorously comments on his appearance, saying he’s looking like a bloated whale. A bit harsh, but Twitter isn’t known for holding back. We also get glimpses of Meghan’s dancing – spoiler alert, it’s not very enthusiastic. It seems like someone is more interested in checking their own reactions on the screen.

But the controversy doesn’t stop there. Twitter users are quick to point out that Harry and Meghan are still using the Royal Cipher that was canceled by Queen Elizabeth II. Princess Can Swell a Banana Hammock highlights the hypocrisy of using titles and ciphers while claiming to have moved on from the royals.
