Omid Scobie, a royal biographer and friend of Meghan Markle, is reportedly furious with her for exposing his lies about her children, Archie and Lilibet. A source close to Scobie told The Sun: “Omid is absolutely fuming with Meghan. He feels like she’s betrayed him by exposing his lies on air.”

The source added that Scobie had been “covering for Meghan” for years and that he had been “protecting her from the negative press.”

“He’s always been there for her, but now she’s just thrown him under the bus,” the source said. “He’s really hurt by the way she’s treated him.”

The source said that Scobie is now considering writing a tell-all book about Meghan, in which he will expose all of her secrets.

“He’s got a lot of dirt on Meghan, and he’s not afraid to use it,” the source said. “He’s determined to make her pay for what she’s done.”

It’s unclear what the future holds for Scobie and Meghan, but it’s clear that their friendship is over. Scobie’s revelation about Meghan’s lies is sure to cause further damage to her reputation.