Since they have been well-known for a while, Meghan Markle and Harry are no strangers to stirring things up. But now, shocking news has surfaced: Meghan has allegedly been told not to include Catherine in her memoir.
Let’s now establish the scene. Harry and Meghan are well-known for their love of controversy and for playing victims to the royal family. Their choice to resign from their royal responsibilities while retaining their titles and identities and denouncing the institution is quite the balancing act. Even more astonishing, though, is Meghan’s boldness in thinking about writing about Catherine in her memoir.

The idea of Meghan including Catherine in her memoir is not only shocking but also baffling. One must wonder what she hopes to achieve by dragging the Duchess into the narrative. Meghan, known for her strong PR game and association with WME, must surely understand the implications of such a move. Yet, here she is, contemplating targeting Catherine.

However, we must also consider the logistics. Meghan’s memoir is still in its early stages, and Harry’s own memoir took two years to come to fruition. Meghan’s recent announcement about her book leaves little time for the project. It’s highly unlikely that Meghan is writing the book herself, so we can assume she’ll be working with a ghostwriter. Rushing such a project with a tight timeline can lead to unintended consequences.

Let’s not forget about the royal biographer, Tom Bower, who predicted that Meghan would eventually write her own autobiography. While such a move would undoubtedly be a massive money-maker, it’s crucial to consider the consequences. If Meghan were to release a memoir, it would surely sell. During an interview, Angela Levin voiced concerns, arguing that it could be a mistake, and I must agree. Meghan, when crafting a memoir, needs to think about her own brand.

The numbers speak for themselves. When we compare public perception of Catherine and Meghan, there’s a stark contrast. 73% of respondents have a positive opinion of Catherine, the Duchess, while only 21% hold a positive opinion of Meghan. These numbers clearly show that Meghan is punching above her weight.

It’s vital to acknowledge the power of public perception. Meghan needs to tread carefully. Going after someone like Catherine when her own approval ratings fall significantly behind can be risky. In this age of misinformation, Meghan must tread carefully, as going after Catherine could backfire, especially considering her constant drama and controversies.

Now, circling back to the central question: why on Earth would Meghan even contemplate mentioning Catherine in her memoir? It’s a move that seems to lack logical reasoning.