Meghan Markle is reportedly “boiling with anger” after King Charles opened a secret investigation into the fishy birth of her son Archie. According to a new report in the Daily Mail, the King is suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Archie’s birth and wants to know if Meghan was honest about when and where he was born.

“The King is suspicious of the circumstances surrounding Archie’s birth,” a source told the Daily Mail. “He wants to know if Meghan was honest about when and where she was born. He has ordered a secret investigation to be carried out.”

The source added: “Meghan is boiling with anger. She cannot believe that the King would question her honesty. She is determined to prove that she was telling the truth about Archie’s birth.”

Meghan has always claimed that Archie was born at Portland Hospital in London on May 7, 2019. However, there have been a number of inconsistencies in her story. For example, she has said that she went into labor at home and that Archie was born hours later. However, there is no record of an ambulance being called to her home on the day of Archie’s birth.

Meghan has also said that she and Harry wanted to keep Archie’s birth private. However, they allowed a photographer to take photos of them and their newborn son just hours after Archie was born.

The King’s secret investigation is likely to focus on the following questions:

Was Meghan honest about when and where Archie was born?

Did Meghan go into labor at home or at a hospital?

Why is there no record of an ambulance being called to Meghan’s home on the day of Archie’s birth?

Why did Meghan and Harry allow a photographer to take photos of them and their newborn son just hours after Archie was born?

The King’s investigation could have a number of consequences for Meghan. If it is found that she was not honest about the circumstances surrounding Archie’s birth, it could damage her reputation and her relationship with the royal family. It could also lead to her being stripped of her royal titles.

Meghan needs to learn that she cannot lie to the royal family without consequences. She also needs to learn that she cannot keep secrets from the public. If she continues to be dishonest, she will only damage her reputation and her relationship with the people she loves.