Prince Harry is reportedly in a state of panic after learning that his uncle, Gary Goldsmith, and his close friend, the Duke of Beaufort, are both planning to write memoirs that will expose his darkest secret.

According to reports, Harry’s darkest secret is his alleged cocaine use. Harry has always denied using cocaine, but both Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort have reportedly witnessed him using the drug on multiple occasions.

Harry is reportedly worried that Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort will reveal the truth about his cocaine use in their memoirs. This could damage his reputation and make it even more difficult for him to maintain his public image.

A source close to Harry told The Sun, “Harry is panicking. He knows that Gary and the Duke of Beaufort know about his cocaine use, and he’s worried that they’re going to reveal the truth in their memoirs. This could be the end of his career and his marriage.”

The source added that Harry is trying to persuade Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort not to publish their memoirs. He has reportedly offered them both large sums of money to keep quiet.

“Harry is trying to bribe Gary and the Duke of Beaufort into not publishing their memoirs,” the source said. “He’s offered them both large sums of money, but they’re not interested. They’re determined to tell the truth about Harry, no matter what.”

It remains to be seen whether Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort will publish their memoirs. However, it is clear that Harry is very worried about the prospect of his darkest secret being exposed.


Prince Harry’s reaction to the news that his uncle, Gary Goldsmith, and his close friend, the Duke of Beaufort, are both planning to write memoirs is understandable. He is reportedly worried that they will reveal his darkest secret, which is alleged cocaine use.

If Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort do reveal the truth about Harry’s cocaine use, it could damage his reputation and make it even more difficult for him to maintain his public image. Harry has always denied using cocaine, and he has built his career on his image as a clean-cut prince. A revelation that he has been using cocaine would be a major blow to his reputation.

It is also important to note that Harry is already under a lot of scrutiny. He has been criticized for his lavish lifestyle, his hypocrisy, and his attacks on the royal family. A revelation that he has been using cocaine would be the final straw for many people, and it could lead to a complete collapse of his public image.

It remains to be seen whether Goldsmith and the Duke of Beaufort will publish their memoirs. However, it is clear that Harry is very worried about the prospect of his darkest secret being exposed. If they do publish their memoirs and reveal the truth about Harry’s cocaine use, it could have a devastating impact on his life and career.