No, thanks. I’ll return the payment for the lounge access.” Prince Harry received an unexpected reception at the Invictus Games in Germany, which left him visibly shaken. Many are hoping that this event marks his final appearance at Invictus, believing that other patrons could serve the veterans’ cause more effectively without any financial gain for themselves.
As Prince Harry arrived at the Town Hall in Dusseldorf, Germany, for the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games, he was met with a mixed crowd of supporters and detractors. Over 500 people stood in the blazing sunshine behind barriers, eagerly anticipating the prince’s arrival.

They shouted his name as he stepped out of his car, dressed in a lightweight blue suit with a white shirt and a silver tie. Inside the Town Hall, representatives from the 21 nations participating in the Invictus Games awaited his presence.

However, a small group of demonstrators used this moment to voice their anti-military sentiments. They chanted anti-military slogans as soon as Prince Harry’s car pulled into the Market Square in front of the Town Hall. Their message was drowned out by the cheers of the prince’s fans. Prince Harry’s bodyguard, former Secret Service agent Chris Sanchez, maintained a vigilant watch over him as he made the short journey from his car to the Town Hall.

About six demonstrators, expressing their opposition to Germany’s military involvement in the games for disabled and wounded military veterans, held a demonstration in a corner of the Market Square. Police presence outnumbered the demonstrators, who contended that the games were being used by the military to recruit new personnel. One of the protesters held a banner bearing the words “Bomber Harry,” referring to his time in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter gunner.

Prince Harry’s solo appearance at the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games stirred conversation, especially in light of recent rumors about his marital difficulties with Meghan Markle. News Corp columnist Louise Roberts noted that it was a refreshing change not to see Meghan with Harry, saying that “it’s almost like a relief that Meghan’s not there in a way because she is not stealing the spotlight in person.” However, she acknowledged that Meghan’s presence continued to be a topic of discussion.

During his appearance without Meghan, Prince Harry displayed noticeable changes in his body language, appearing more mature and composed. Body language expert Junie James observed that Harry seemed to have “lowered his ego” and adopted a more low-key demeanor, standing in contrast to his usual celebrity-like persona.

Despite the change in body language and the warm reception from the crowd, Prince Harry is currently facing challenges in his personal life, including persistent rumors about the state of his marriage with Meghan and speculations about a potential divorce.