The news comes after a report by The Sunday Times that MI6, the UK’s foreign intelligence service, had been asked to investigate Meghan and Harry’s activities. The report said that the investigation had found that the couple had been “trying to use their royal connections to further their own personal and financial interests.”

William is said to be “deeply concerned” by the report, and he has reportedly told his aides that he wants nothing more to do with Meghan and Harry.

A source close to William said: “He’s been deeply wounded by what Meghan and Harry have done, and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with them anymore.”

The source added that William is “particularly angry” about the couple’s attempts to use their royal connections to further their own interests.

“He thinks it’s a betrayal of everything the royal family stands for,” the source said.

The news of William’s decision to cut ties with Meghan and Harry is a major blow to the couple. They had been hoping to repair their relationship with William and the rest of the royal family, but it seems that this is now impossible.

It is unclear what the future holds for Meghan and Harry. They are currently living in California, and they have been working on a number of projects, including a Netflix deal and a podcast. However, it is likely that their relationship with the royal family will continue to be strained.

The news of William’s decision to cut ties with Meghan and Harry is also a reminder of the challenges that the royal family faces. The family is under increasing scrutiny, and they are constantly being accused of being out of touch with the public.

The royal family will need to find a way to adapt to the changing times if they want to remain relevant. However, it is clear that this will not be easy.