According to a report by The Sun, Prince Harry called his brother, Prince William, in the middle of the night to beg for funding from the Duchy of Cornwall. The Duchy is a private estate owned by the Prince of Wales, and it generates an annual income of around £24 million.

The report claims that Harry was desperate for money to fund his and Meghan Markle’s lifestyle in California. He reportedly told William that he was “running out of money” and that he needed help to pay for their security, their home, and their children’s education.

William is said to have been sympathetic to Harry’s situation, but he refused to give him any money from the Duchy. He reportedly told Harry that he needed to find a way to support himself and his family.

The report of Harry’s midnight call to William is a further sign of the tension between the two brothers. It has been reported that the brothers have been estranged since Harry and Meghan stepped back from their royal duties in 2020.

The report has not been confirmed by either Harry or William, but it is consistent with other reports that have suggested that Harry is struggling to make ends meet in California. In 2022, it was reported that Harry and Meghan were selling their Montecito home in order to raise money.

It is unclear what the future holds for Harry and Meghan. It is possible that they will be able to find a way to support themselves without any help from the royal family. However, it is also possible that they will be forced to return to the UK if they cannot make ends meet.