The Spencer family has reportedly removed Meghan Markle’s name from their official genealogy website, following reports that she and Prince Harry are planning to drop their royal titles.

The website, which is run by the Spencer Family Charitable Trust, lists Meghan as the “wife of Prince Harry of Wales”. However, a recent update has removed her name altogether.

The move is seen as a sign that the Spencers are distancing themselves from Meghan and Harry, who have been increasingly critical of the royal family in recent months.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, Meghan accused a member of the royal family of making racist remarks about her son Archie. She also said that she had been subjected to “unbearable” scrutiny and bullying by the press.

Harry has also spoken out against the royal family, saying that he felt “trapped” and “lonely” during his time in the institution.

The Spencers’ decision to remove Meghan’s name from their genealogy website is a further sign of the rift between the Sussexes and the royal family. It is also likely to be seen as a personal blow to Meghan, who has always been proud of her Spencer heritage.

The move is also likely to fuel speculation that Meghan and Harry are planning to drop their royal titles altogether. The couple have already stepped back from their royal duties, and they are reportedly considering moving to the United States on a permanent basis.

It is unclear what the future holds for Meghan and Harry. However, it is clear that the Spencers are no longer willing to associate themselves with the couple.