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What is the saddest thing you have seen after someone died?

This one is easy for me. My sister Chrisy, my ONLY sibling, was brutally murdered by her own husband on May 29, 2022. He shot her twice in the belly, then once in the back of the head. Wrapped her in their bedsheets, a dog tarp that covered the dog’s cage, taped with black tape. Threw her in the woods like she was a dead animal.

What was the saddest thing I have seen after someone died?? The day we had to plan my sister’s funeral. We walked into the funeral home. My sisters 3 children, aged 22, 21, and 20, my dad and my mom. We went to walk back to the room. The woman helping us just happened to work with my sister at the Franklin County Prison for a few years. My sister was lieutenant (all 120 pounds of her lol). Read the full story here ▶

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