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Emotional Surprise Reunites Boy with His Beloved Lost Dog at School

Piper, the Pug who went missing during the holidays, is back home with her family! Piper had a special bond with her brother, Carter Licata, and they were inseparable. The family’s holiday season took an unexpected turn when Piper went missing one day.

Losing Piper was a nightmare for the Licata family, but their love for her kept them going. They searched everywhere, posted on social media, and reached out to neighbors and community groups. But every day that passed, their hearts grew heavier as hope for Piper’s safe return dwindled.

April Licata

Just when things seemed hopeless, the family received a Facebook message from an animal shelter in Genesee County. A dog matching Piper’s description had been dropped off at the shelter anonymously. April Licata, Carter’s mother, couldn’t believe it. She and her husband screamed with joy when they received the news.

They decided to keep the surprise from Carter, who was out of town, and waited until he came back to reunite him with Piper. Meanwhile, Piper was wandering around the house, looking for Carter.

April Licata

When the reunion day arrived, Piper was ready to see her boy again. She was dressed in a festive bow and waiting in the front seat of the truck. As soon as Carter saw her, he broke down in tears. Piper’s tail wagged, and as soon as Carter got into the truck, she jumped into his arms and covered him with kisses. It was an emotional moment that the family will never forget.

The Licata family is overjoyed to have Piper back just in time for Christmas. They never lost faith that she would come back to them, and their love for her kept them going through the tough times. Piper’s special bond with Carter is stronger than ever, and they are back to being inseparable.

April Licata

“We were all appalled,” Licata told The Dodo. “The older kids didn’t want to decorate the Christmas tree at all, and it was a very somber Thanksgiving for them.” But now, they can celebrate the holidays with Piper back home where she belongs.

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