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After Seeing A Man Acting Strangely By Her Kids, A Mom Warned Others About How To Spot Abductors

Something about her young family’s trip to Ikea isn’t sitting right with Deandra Toyos. She pulls her daughter, who is four, and her two infant sons closer to her. But it does nothing to phase the pair of men circling Toyos and her brood as they peruse the shops wares. Soon, she begins to suspect that the strangers may have sinister intentions. To be precise, Toyo spheres that they want to abduct her children.

Toyota’s day at Ikea started out like any other. She’d rounded up her three children and her own mom for the shopping trip. The Covina, California based mother needed a new couch, so all five of them perused the furniture. Her children tried out the new potential pieces as well, jumping and sitting on the showroom sofas. But as Toyota and her family looked around, she happened to notice something. Read the full story here ▶

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