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A Woman Gave Birth To Semi-Identical Twins, And Doctors Were Left Totally Perplexed

An Australian woman found out that she was having twins. Not by itself news that would make headlines. But when the expected mother checked in with her doctor, the medical professional was left stunned by what he found. You see, the two fetuses fell neither under the identical nor the fraternal twins category. Instead, they made up an incredibly rare set of semidenical twins.

Nevertheless, for the Australian woman at the center of this story, her path to motherhood began in typical fashion. Indeed, in February 2019, the BBC reported, doctors at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital is saying that she had become pregnant naturally. And as with most momstow, the woman in question underwent the usual pregnancy scans in order to ensure that the fetuses had begun to grow healthily. In most cases, medical professionals employ ultrasound imaging to examine the womb and identify any potential birth defects or similar issues that could be present in a fetus. Ultimately, then, was during this routine procedure that Professor Nicholas Fist noticed something unusual about the Australian mom’s offspring. Read the full st0ry here ▶

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