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UPS Man Sees Note on Package, Helps Mom and Kid Escape Nightmare

When a UPS driver picked up a package, he noticed a note scribbled on it. He could have written it off as some kind of twisted joke. But, he didn’t. Now, a toddler and his mother have been rescued from a living nightmare, thanks to the delivery man.

James Jordan won’t be receiving any Father or Husband of the Year awards after what the 33-year-old Missouri man did to his wife and their 3-year-old son. What the two were forced to endure was nothing short of a nightmare. But, thanks to an observant UPS delivery driver, Jordan got to face the music for being a monster after his wife and son were freed from the hell he put them in.

The horrific ordeal began when Jordan locked his 3-year-old son in a room without food or water, where the child was forced to remain for 15 long hours, according to CBS. His father then turned his attention to the boy’s mother. One can only imagine what the child heard as Jordan viciously abused the woman, holding her captive in their own home near Robertsville. Read the full story here ▶

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