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It has been alleged that Megan Markle plagiarized a speech given by a Nigerian speaker during a TED Talk

After it was discovered that Megan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, had adapted portions of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk into her own podcast of the same name, Archetypes, she is now being accused of plagiarism.

The discovery has caused Megan’s creativity and talent to be called into question, with some critics stating that she is lacking in both of these areas.

Megan is accused of plagiarizing the work of other important individuals, including Adichie, Stephanie Tong, and Sheryl Sandberg, among others. Adichie is not the only person who has been affected by Megan’s plagiarism allegations.

One of the most striking examples of Megan’s plagiarism is a quotation from Eleanor Roosevelt, which states, “It is not enough to talk about peace; one must believe in it.”

It is unfortunate that Megan used these words, which were initially said by Roosevelt, without giving full credit to the original speaker.

In addition, Megan is suspected of stealing from Stephanie Tong, who poignantly detailed the experience of holding her firstborn child while saying goodbye to her third child. Stephanie Tong is the one who is accused of stealing from Megan.

An additional instance of Megan’s claimed copying is the well-known comment made by Sheryl Sandberg, which is as follows: “We’ve got to get women to sit at the table.”

This is a line that Megan has brazenly hijacked without giving credit where credit is due.

What is even more troubling is the fact that Megan appears to have taken a quote from the well-known documentary that was released on Netflix called “The Social Dilemma,” which had its debut just a few days before she gave her speech.

According to the documentary, the only people who use the term “user” to refer to their consumers are people who sell drugs and people who utilize social media platforms.

Megan repeated this one statement over and over again without recognizing where it came from.

The charge that Megan appropriated a remark from Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, is possibly the most serious accusation that can be made against her.

She referred to the words of Steve Jobs as her own while delivering one of her lectures, in which she pushed women to bring about change and work towards creating a society that is equitable.

This egregious instance of plagiarism calls into doubt Megan’s honesty and her ability to come up with fresh ideas.

The activities of Megan, according to many who criticize her, demonstrate a lack of imagination as well as a disdain for intellectual property.

They are curious as to why she does not provide appropriate attribution, which would not only display her familiarity with significant personalities but would also protect her from being caught in the act of stealing the thoughts and words of such individuals.

There are even those who have gone so far as to refer to Megan as a “lazy grifter” because she simply steals quotations and speeches verbatim and claims that she is the author of them.

In order to provide proof in support of these charges, a source from BC Laws on Quora has gathered a compilation of material that has been thoroughly studied and compares Megan’s alleged instances of plagiarism.

There is a pattern of behavior that is suggested by the facts, which further undermines Megan’s trustworthiness.

Megan’s behavior during a visit to a charity in Bristol have also been called into question, in addition to the allegations of plagiarism that have been made against her.

During her visit to the charity, Megan proposed the idea of painting messages of hope on bananas. However, she failed to give credit to the person who initially came up with the idea, which was Stacey Truman, who was a student at Kingston Elementary School in Virginia.

Megan never gave Truman full credit during the visit, which raises questions about her motivations, despite the fact that subsequent articles acknowledged Truman’s contribution.

According to many people, Megan’s genuineness and integrity have been called into doubt as a result of the numerous instances of plagiarism and the refusal to give correct acknowledgment.

Critics contend that she is dishonest and delusional due to the fact that she continues to use the words and wisdom of other people without taking into consideration the implications of her actions.

The manner in which Megan will respond to these allegations and recover her reputation in the eyes of the general public is still subject to speculation.

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