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Everyone laughed when he married a Fat ugly girl, but two years later, they regretted it!

In the beginning, there’s a very beautiful girl called Anita. Anita is a 23 year old girl who lives in Russia. She faces a very difficult problem, which is that she’s very fat with a weight of 162 kilos. As a result, she’s looking for for a job and can’t find it. It’s hard to find a job because of her weight as managers don’t accept that.

People, people judge by appearance only and the outward appearance, and they do not care about the inner substance. Every time she goes to look for a job, she returns home crying because people don’t accept her. One day Anita came back crying and her mother said to her, I told you before, you should do a diet, but you never do. Everyone will reject you. You must wake up. Read the full story here ▶

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