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Lady C Exposes Meghan Markle’s Alleged Baby Scam: Chickens Come Home to Roost!

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are anticipated to embark on a rebranding journey in 2024 following their label as the “Biggest Losers of 2023.” However, Lady Colin Campbell predicts another scandal looming over the couple this year, suggesting that things will take a turn for the worse. Speaking on GB News, Campbell asserted, “Wait until spring; they have a real bomb coming their way. I think they’re going to be completely exposed before this summer. Let me put it that way. I think they’re going to be in such deep trouble; it’s going to be nothing that we can imagine. I think the chickens are coming home to roost in a very big way.”
Despite refusing to provide specifics about the revelation, Campbell hinted at its significant impact, stating, “Well, I’m afraid I can’t say beyond this. But believe me, I know what I’m talking about, and I know who’s going to drop the bomb.” A fan theory suggests exposure for using paid bots to target the monarchy, defame Princess Catherine, and defame Prince William. This potential revelation could lead to defamation and libel charges, adding to the existing lawsuit by Samantha.

The rumor aligns with previous speculations about the palace monitoring social media activity against the royal family. Some believe it might be related to a super injunction being lifted, possibly shedding light on the truth about Meghan’s pregnancies, addressing Lady C’s hints about surrogacy. Lady C’s theory implies that one mother is dead, and the other never lived.

In 2023, the Sussexes faced challenges, with public blunders, accusations of discussing a child’s skin tone, and scrutiny over Omid Scobie’s translation error in the book “Endgame.” Royal expert Tom B believes Meghan intends to correct the impressions left by Scobie’s book. Jenny Bond recommended the Sussexes publicly denounce the intrusive investigation, emphasizing the need for clarity to distance themselves from the unpleasant aspects of the book. Unanswered questions persist, and addressing these concerns could be a strategic move for the couple in light of the ongoing controversies.

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