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YOU ARE NOT A ROYAL! Ex Navy SEAL Tony DESTROY Meghan After She Refuses To Stand In Line With Harry.

Former Navy SEAL Tony Blauer has slammed Meghan Markle for refusing to stand in line with Prince Harry at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

In a scathing interview with Fox News, Blauer said that Meghan’s behavior was “unacceptable” and that she “needs to learn her place.”

“Meghan Markle is not a royal,” Blauer said. “She married into the royal family, but she is not a royal herself. She needs to learn her place and respect the royal family’s traditions.”

Blauer went on to say that Meghan’s refusal to stand in line with Harry was “a sign of disrespect” to the Queen and to the British people.

“The Queen is the head of the royal family,” Blauer said. “She is the commander-in-chief of the British armed forces. When Meghan Markle refuses to stand in line with her husband, she is showing disrespect to the Queen and to the British people.”

Blauer’s comments have been met with widespread support from royal fans and from veterans. Many people agree with Blauer that Meghan’s behavior was unacceptable and that she needs to learn her place.

“Meghan Markle is a disgrace,” one Twitter user wrote. “She needs to be stripped of her royal titles.”

“Meghan Markle is a spoiled brat,” another Twitter user wrote. “She needs to learn some manners.”

“Meghan Markle is an insult to the Queen and to the British people,” another Twitter user wrote. “She should be sent back to America where she belongs.”

It is unclear how Meghan Markle will respond to Blauer’s comments. However, one thing is for sure: her reputation has been further damaged by this incident.

What does this mean for Meghan Markle?

Meghan Markle’s refusal to stand in line with Prince Harry at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations is likely to damage her reputation further. She has already been criticized for her lavish lifestyle, her spending habits, and her perceived lack of class. This incident is only likely to reinforce those criticisms.

It is also possible that this incident could lead to further legal action against Meghan. The royal family is very protective of its image, and they may not take kindly to Meghan’s behavior.

Creative response:

Meghan Markle’s refusal to stand in line with Prince Harry at the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations was like a royal tantrum. She stamped her feet and threw a hissy fit because she didn’t get her own way.

Meghan needs to learn that she is not the center of the universe. She is not more important than the Queen or than the other members of the royal family. She needs to humble herself and show some respect for the traditions of the royal family.

If Meghan does not change her ways, she will eventually be banished from the royal family. She will be remembered as the spoiled brat who ruined the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

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