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Julia Roberts Tears Apart Meghan Markle’s Netflix Script in Fiery Confrontation: Leave The World Behind Drama

Julia Roberts has expressed her strong disapproval of Meghan Markle’s attempt to create a script for the upcoming Netflix film adaptation of “Leave the World Behind,” based on Rumaan Alam’s bestselling novel. According to sources closely connected to the production, Roberts, who is set to star in the movie alongside Mahershala Ali and Ethan Hawke, was absolutely furious upon receiving a copy of Markle’s script. Apparently, Markle had undertaken this endeavor without the permission or knowledge of the original author, the director, or any of the producers.
Upon reviewing Markle’s script, Julia Roberts was left incredulous by the audacity with which Meghan had taken it upon herself to rewrite the script, altering the characters, plot, and overall tone of the story. She considered it nothing short of a joke and felt that Markle lacked the necessary expertise to handle such a task. Sources relayed that Roberts took it upon herself to confront Markle over the phone, asserting that Markle should steer clear of the movie project and focus on her own endeavors. Julia made it abundantly clear that Markle was not welcome on the movie set and suggested that she stick to her documentaries and podcasts. Roberts expressed her belief that Markle had neither the talent nor the experience to be a scriptwriter and accused her of tarnishing a brilliant book with her amateurish and self-indulgent script.

Meghan Markle, who recently inked a multi-million dollar deal with Netflix, along with her husband Prince Harry, had apparently harbored aspirations of becoming involved in the movie as both a writer and co-producer. She hoped this move would bolster her Hollywood career and allow her to promote her social justice agenda. However, Markle’s script was met with severe criticism and outright rejection from the creative team behind the movie. They accused her of plagiarism, distortion, and pushing a particular agenda.

Markle’s script altered the race and backgrounds of the main characters, Amanda and Clay, who were originally depicted as white in the book, now portrayed as black and biracial, respectively. Furthermore, she introduced a new character, a teenage daughter for Amanda and Clay, based on herself, and positioned this character as the hero of the story. Markle also significantly modified the plot of the book, transforming it from a psychological thriller into a political and environmental drama, replete with references to climate change, racism, and the royal family.

To make matters worse, Markle was found to have borrowed scenes and dialogues from other movies and books, including “The Shining,” “The Hunger Games,” and “The Handmaid’s Tale,” without providing proper credit or acknowledgment. Her script was characterized as riddled with plagiarism, errors, and inconsistencies, demonstrating a lack of research or fact-checking. It appeared that she had indiscriminately copied and pasted material from various sources without regard for the original author, the director, or the actors. Her actions were seen as self-serving and driven solely by her image.

Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, and Ethan Hawke were all reportedly appalled by the script and refused to collaborate with Markle under those circumstances. They insisted that the director, Sam Esmail, who also served as the writer and producer of the film, use his own script, which adhered faithfully to the book and garnered praise from both the author and critics. Esmail reportedly agreed with the cast and informed Markle that her script was unacceptable, emphasizing that she had no creative input or authority over the film. He conveyed that he had the full support of the author, the actors, and Netflix executives and was the sole individual responsible for writing and directing the movie. While he appreciated Markle’s enthusiasm, he urged her to respect his vision and his work.

In light of these developments, some have opined that Meghan Markle’s career is facing significant challenges, as she has demonstrated her incapacity as a writer, producer, and star. Her actions have earned her the labels of fraud, plagiarist, and troublemaker in the industry, alienating and offending many. Moreover, she has lost the support and sympathy of those who perceive her as a dishonest, manipulative, and narcissistic individual. Ultimately, Markle’s actions have had repercussions for her career, and she is facing a growing lack of opportunities and goodwill within the industry.

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