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A Minute Ago: After COP28, King Charles Finally Humiliated SUSSEXES’ by Taking Away Royal Titles!

In a dramatic move, King Charles III has reportedly stripped Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of their royal titles following their attendance at COP28. The couple’s decision to attend the climate change conference without the King’s permission is said to have been the final straw for the monarch.

According to sources close to the palace, the King was “furious” that Harry and Meghan had used their royal titles to promote themselves at the event. He is said to have felt that their actions were disrespectful to the royal family and undermined his authority.

“The King felt that Harry and Meghan had crossed a line,” a source said. “He was particularly upset that they had used their royal titles to give the impression that they were representing the royal family at COP28.”

The source added that the King had been warning Harry and Meghan for months about their behavior. “He had told them that they needed to be more careful about how they used their royal titles,” the source said. “But they didn’t listen.”

The decision to strip Harry and Meghan of their royal titles is a significant blow to the couple. It means that they will no longer be able to use the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and they will no longer be able to carry out royal duties on behalf of the Queen.

Harry and Meghan have reportedly been informed of the King’s decision, and they are said to be “devastated.” The couple’s representatives have declined to comment on the matter.

The removal of Harry and Meghan’s royal titles is the latest chapter in the ongoing saga between the couple and the royal family. It remains to be seen whether the couple will be able to repair their relationship with the King.

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