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CRASHING CHRISTMAS! Haz & Meg Plan UK Trip After Royal Family Shuns Them for Holidays

In a surprising move, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly planning a trip to the UK for Christmas, despite being told by the royal family that they are not welcome. The couple, who stepped back from royal duties in 2020, have been ostracized by the family in recent years, and their decision to visit during the holidays is seen as a defiant move.

A source close to the couple told The Sun that Harry and Meghan are “determined” to spend Christmas with family and friends in the UK, even if it means upsetting the royals.

“They know that they’re not welcome at Sandringham this year, but they’re still planning to come over,” the source said. “They’re determined to see their family and friends, and they’re not going to let the royals stop them.”

The source added that Harry and Meghan are “prepared for a backlash” from the royal family, but they are “not going to be bullied” into staying away.

“They’re adults, and they can make their own decisions about where they spend Christmas,” the source said. “They’re not going to let the royals dictate their lives anymore.”

The news of Harry and Meghan’s planned trip is sure to cause further tension between the couple and the royal family. The royals have reportedly been trying to avoid a public confrontation with Harry and Meghan, but it seems that their efforts have been in vain.

It is unclear how the royal family will react to Harry and Meghan’s decision to visit. They could choose to ignore the couple’s presence, or they could try to prevent them from attending any family events.

Whatever the outcome, it is clear that Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the royal family is irreparable. The couple has made it clear that they are no longer willing to be bound by the family’s rules and traditions, and they are prepared to face the consequences of their actions.

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