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Prince Harry Declines King Charles’s Invitation: A Royal Rift Deepens as the Duke Reportedly Proclaims ‘You Are Dead to Me

In an attempt to heal divisions, King Charles, who is Harry’s biological father, extended an invitation to his son’s birthday party. Just pause to consider that: the opportunity to strengthen ties with family and make priceless memories. Some of us can only dream of having that luxury, but Harry appears to have turned it down.
What’s the cause? Be prepared—it is purportedly because of Meghan, who is acting as the puppeteer in this situation. Harry, a once-respected prince, now appears to be reduced to the role of a simple pawn. To be honest, I get really angry when I witness someone pass up the opportunity to spend time with family members we miss terribly.

Harry, you have a living father who is ready to reach out and offer you peace, but you have decided to turn away. Harry has shown disdain for his family members twice already, so this isn’t the first time. Once may be written off as an isolated incident, but twice begins to suggest a pattern of disgrace.

Meghan, too? It’s rumored that her understated approach is a lead-up to a big comeback—a memoir is reportedly in the works, inspired by Harry. Let me remind you, though, that a memoir requires substance, depth, and a genuine touch—qualities that some critics of Meghan argue she doesn’t possess. Then there are rumors that she wants to go back to acting and misses the ‘Suits’ days. Is it truly the card she’s going to play, though? It appears that the world has moved on and her star is fading.

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