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Prince Harry Reveals Surprising Answers in Unaired Interview with Stephen Colbert

In a recent unaired segment of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Prince Harry shared some unexpected insights and responses to a series of questions posed by the comedian and TV personality.

The segment, known as The Colbert Questionnette, is a regular feature on the show where Colbert asks his guests a range of questions.

One of the questions asked by Colbert was about the song that Harry would choose to listen to for the rest of his life.

The Duke of Sussex replied with “Love Gets Sweeter Every Day” by Finlay Quay.

Interestingly, Colbert admitted that he was not familiar with the song, prompting Harry to humorously comment that he needed more love in his life.

The conversation then turned to Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, with Colbert asking if the couple had met.

Harry playfully responded, “Yeah, we met earlier.”

The audience burst into laughter as the Duke of Sussex revealed that he had dinner plans with Evelyn McGee Colbert, Stephen’s wife.

Colbert jokingly mentioned that his wife was a big fan of the royal family and had read Harry’s memoir, “Spare.”

This lighthearted exchange seemed to suggest that despite their differences, there was a friendly rapport between the two.

However, some royal fans believe that there may be underlying tension between Harry and Colbert.

They speculate that Colbert sees through Harry’s public persona and has reservations about him.

One moment that caught fans’ attention was when Colbert referred to Harry’s book as “great,” while closely observing his facial expression.

This led some viewers to conclude that Colbert may have a less favorable opinion of Harry than he lets on.

Colbert is known for asking probing and sometimes impolite questions, pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable.

While discussing sandwiches, Harry shared a funny anecdote, describing his favorite as a cheese and ham toasty with Dijon mustard on top.

He also mentioned his preference for using a toasty machine, which confused Colbert.

Harry explained that the differences in American and British terminology had caused some trouble in his relationship with Meghan, jokingly mentioning that the word “fanny” was particularly upsetting.

During the interview, Harry revealed his belief that humans are reincarnated as animals after death.

When asked what animal he would choose to become, he chose an elephant.

Other notable answers included his preference for a window seat on an airplane, declaring “Gladiator” as his favorite action movie, and sharing a humorous story about asking England’s World Cup-winning rugby team for autographs while they were n^ked.

Critics argue that Harry’s responses reveal his arrogance and lack of intellectual depth.

They point out that even seemingly simple questions, such as choosing between a cat or a dog, took him some time to answer.

Additionally, they highlight his omission of important aspects of his life, such as fatherhood, charity work, and environmentalism, when asked to describe his future in five words.

Instead, Harry focused on concepts like freedom, happiness, clarity, space, and love, leading some to question his priorities.

While the unaired segment provided an intriguing glimpse into Prince Harry’s personality, it is important to remember that these were just a few moments from a larger interview.

The exchange between Harry and Colbert showcased their playful banter and shed light on Harry’s unique perspectives.

As the Duke of Sussex continues to navigate his new life outside the royal family, it remains to be seen how these insights will shape his public image and future endeavors.

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