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Did Wallis Rolls-Royce provide evidence of Meghan Markle’s alleged sinister intentions toward Prince Harry during their wedding? What specific actions or evidence is being referenced in the claim?

In a shocking turn of events, the Sussexes have reportedly been banished from the United Kingdom by an irate King. The dispute revolves around an alleged misappropriation of $35 million from the Fab Four fund. The monarchy stands aghast at this unfolding drama, questioning the audacity of the Sussexes’ actions.
Amid the ensuing chaos, the normally composed Sugar, the famed commentator, is incensed. It’s worth noting that Sugar would typically dismiss any suggestion that the Sussexes could pilfer from charitable resources to enrich themselves. But, intriguingly, a tweet by someone going by the name of Luca caught the attention of the esteemed Royal Watcher, Baroness Brook.

According to Luca’s tweet, a source within Kensington Palace had informed them of damning allegations against Harry and Meghan. It is claimed that the couple stands accused of misappropriating funds intended for charitable endeavors. This grievous charge has led to their expulsion from the UK.

To provide context, the Royal Foundation, initially established in 2009 by Prince William and Prince Harry, saw Kate Middleton joining its ranks when she became the Duchess of Cambridge in 2011. Meghan Markle’s inclusion came in May 2018 when she became the Duchess of Sussex. Together, the quartet, known as The Fab Four, had maintained the foundation’s operations. However, in the wake of Meghan and Harry’s departure from the royal family, there seems to be murky paperwork regarding donations managed within mutual funds, culminating in the alleged disappearance of $35 million from their financial holdings.

This financial fiasco has not gone unnoticed. Reports have suggested that Prince Harry has been subjected to intense scrutiny over his handling of charitable finances. Furthermore, we delve into detailed reports concerning King Charles’ reaction to the rumors of the $35 million family fund debacle. As per a revealing memoir in ‘Revenge,’ King Charles contemplates blocking the release of the $35 million in damages if the couple doesn’t come clean. Clearly, relations between Prince Harry and the monarch are strained.

Amid this storm, another scandal has erupted around the Sussexes. The National Enquirer has made serious allegations against The Duchess, accusing her of absconding to England with Prince Harry while carrying Princess Diana’s jewelry. Reportedly, the estimated worth of this jewelry set stands at a staggering $10 million. The moral quandary of whether Meghan had the right to take possession of Diana’s jewelry is a topic of contentious debate.

Now, with Meghan and Harry’s divorce from the royal family, Meghan appears to be making her own way. Expectations were high that all gifts would be returned, but it seems that this has not come to pass. In addition to these revelations, it is alleged that Meghan has acquired more jewelry. This implies not only a potential misappropriation of royal funds but also an attempt to capitalize on her royal title.

Despite having severed their working relationship with the royal family for three years, Meghan and Harry continue to bear their royal titles. Some critics argue that they should relinquish their titles, especially considering their lack of intentions to return to the royal fold. They propose that, in their new life in America, retaining their royal image serves no meaningful purpose and only complicates matters, especially in a country where the royal title holds little significance.

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