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Meghan Markle’s Pregnancy Rumors: The Truth Behind the Surrogate Claims

Photos: GETTYMUST READMeghan Markle’s Pregnancy Rumors: The Truth Behind the Surrogate ClaimsSHARETWEET
The speculation surrounding Meghan Markle’s pregnancy has reached new heights, with rumors of a surrogate mother coming into play.

A Twitter account by the name of Lucy claimed to be the surrogate, adding fuel to the fire.

According to Lucy, she was taken to a secret apartment near Frogmore Cottage for close monitoring during her time as a surrogate for a duchess in the UK.

But can these claims be trusted?

Lucy described Meghan as a demanding person, constantly checking her menu and schedule, and expecting strict compliance with her commands.

However, many find it hard to believe that Meghan was never pregnant.

How can someone who has never experienced pregnancy understand the needs and demands of a pregnant woman?

It seems absurd.

Adding to the controversy, the surrogate mentioned a contract that entitled her to a payment of $500,000 if the baby was born healthy.

However, Meghan allegedly failed to pay the full amount, claiming that the terms of the contract were not met.

This raises questions about the validity of the surrogate’s claims.

Some skeptics initially dismissed the surrogate story as mere fabrication by haters.

However, photos surfaced on Twitter showing Meghan with two different-sized bumps on the same day or a significant bump followed by a smaller one the next day.

These images caught the attention of many, leading them to question the truth behind Meghan’s pregnancy.

Furthermore, there were remarks made by Prince Harry about the baby changing over a span of two weeks.

This statement seemed puzzling, considering the child was only a few days old.

Additionally, Meghan’s father had previously mentioned her having a hysterectomy, which adds another layer of doubt to the situation.

It appears that Harry may not have been aware of this before marrying Meghan.

One argument against Meghan giving birth naturally is her age.

Being classified as a geriatric pregnancy, it is unlikely that she would have been allowed to give birth anywhere other than a hospital in case of any emergencies.

However, it is doubtful that the Royal Family was aware of any deception if it indeed occurred.

They would not have willingly participated in such a scheme.

If they were complicit, it would be a significant secret they could use against Meghan to remove her from the family.

The absence of photographic evidence of the children also raises suspicions.

People have been waiting for Meghan to share pictures of her kids, but none have surfaced.

It begs the question: why doesn’t she speak up and clarify the situation?

By remaining silent, she risks embarrassing herself if the claims of faking the children turn out to be true.

Furthermore, Meghan’s refusal to consult the palace gynecologist adds another layer of intrigue.

It seems that she had her reasons for avoiding a face-to-face interview with experts on childbirth trauma.

This decision is particularly interesting considering her previous statement about showing her true self in her podcast.

Why did she not want to discuss her traumatic experiences with childbirth?

In a social media post, Allison, a producer, shared a photo of herself in front of Gimlet, an audio production house.

While it appears that Allison did not have a direct conversation with Meghan for the episode, the duchess did engage in conversations with close friends such as Melody Hobson, Jamila Jamil, and Serena Williams.

According to a People report, Megan declined a face-to-face interview with Allison for her own undisclosed reasons.

Even when offered remote support by Dr.

Mover via telephone, Meghan rejected the opportunity.

She has always avoided face-to-face discussions about her birthing process, despite discussing it extensively in the media.

This behavior raises further questions about the authenticity of her experiences, including her publicized miscarriage.

As the rumors continue to swirl, it remains unclear whether Meghan Markle was indeed pregnant or if a surrogate was involved.

The truth behind these claims may never be fully revealed, leaving room for speculation and debate.

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