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Man Risks His Life To Save 3-Year-Old Dangling From Apartment Window

This story takes place in Kazakhstan, where a selfless man risked life and limb to ensure the safety of a three-year-old whose life was in jeopardy.

According to the Indian Express, the three-year-old girl was in serious peril, as she was about to fall from an eighth-story window. The toddler stacked couch cushions and was trying to get onto the window ledge. Sadly, she ended up slipping.

Photo: YouTube/Viral Pendu Amazing

From there, she was left dangling from her fingertips. Her mother had allegedly left her home alone while she had some shopping to do. Sabit Shontakbaev, 37, was on his way to work when he saw what was happening. He knew that he had to step in and do something. He knocked on the door of the apartment below the little girl’s and once they let him in, he went right to the window.

“At that moment I didn’t think about anything, I just wanted to help the child,” he said, according to The Metro. “Afterwards, I went straight to work with my friend. Nobody knew that this would happen. I just saved the child and left, and in the news and social networks they suddenly began to call me a hero. I do not consider my actions heroic. To me, everyone should lend a helping hand in such situations.”

Photo: YouTube/Viral Pendu Amazing

According to The Metro, the local media reports that the man was rewarded with his very own three-bedroom apartment because of this amazing good deed. Good deed does not even begin to describe it. He saved a child’s life and kept a mother from having to bury their little girl. There is nothing that can ever be done to repay that type of kindness.

Sabit was not looking to be praised when he did this, though. As you can see, he did it because he thought that it was the right thing to do, not because he thought that there would be some grand reward waiting for him. That’s how we all should approach life.

Photo: YouTube/Viral Pendu Amazing

Thanks to the new apartment, Sabit can now finally be joined in the city by his family. His son and three daughters will now have enough space to stay with him.

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