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Meghan Markle’s Billion-Dollar Ultimatum to the Royals: Prince Harry’s Plea to Charles Following Divorce

After their divorce, Harry pleads with Charles for help. Alright, royal commentator has recently revealed that the palace is well aware of Megan’s intentions. There have been numerous hints dropped by Megan and her associates, leaving no doubt that the royal family is fully cognizant of her endgame.
One from the BBC in Manchester and the other a newspaper columnist whom I’ve known for quite some time. Both of them are intricately connected to the happenings around Megan. They share the belief that Harry, once considered a significant figure, now stands powerless and irrelevant. He watches from the sidelines as his wife orchestrates her future, seemingly without him. He’s helpless, discarded, and no longer figures in her plans.

The impending tell-all book is causing quite the headache at the palace. My journalist friends believe that if Megan publishes her story, it could irreparably damage the royal family, potentially leading to the demise of the monarchy as we know it today.

Mr. Benjamin goes on to say that this won’t be just another book on the shelves. It could possibly outsell even the Bible or the Quran, with endless revenue streams. Megan will manipulate the media to her advantage. When asked what more she could reveal, she responded that there is still plenty she hasn’t mentioned, promising to embellish her story with dramatic and outrageous lies.

Michelle Obama secured an advanced deal of $65 million for her two books, “Becoming” and “A Promised Land.” Speculation is already rife about a major publisher offering an eye-watering advance of $100 million. Naturally, they will expect substantial returns, so they’ll push her to target Harry and the royal family with all she’s got.

Mr. Benjamin believes Megan will play the sympathy card, much like her Oprah Winfrey interview, but this time, it will be off the charts. The men in gray suits at the palace, she claims, forced her to use surrogates, denying her the opportunity to be a biological mother. She alleges that they didn’t want children of color tarnishing their all-white family. According to Mr. Benjamin, this revelation is imminent and could cause an uproar within Commonwealth countries. The monarchy may not survive such an onslaught.

Megan will also likely write about the bullying inquiry that ruled in her favor, recounting a scene where the Queen pleads with her on her knees, tears streaming down her face, to accept the Monarch’s apology. This matter, she insists, was an orchestrated smear against her good reputation by none other than Camila.

Furthermore, Mr. Benjamin suggests that once the divorce is finalized, all hell will break loose. The only thing that could prevent the book from being published is a massive payment from Charles to keep it off the shelves. The Royals recognize the need for a change of direction if they are to preserve their wealth and privilege amidst the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

Megan’s strong position puts her in a unique position to protect the future of the royal family. Charles may have to negotiate a significant sum to prevent her from publishing the book. She could name her price, and even a billion pounds might be a reasonable sum to secure the future of the world’s richest family.

Mr. Benjamin argues that Charles has already protected Megan, perhaps even being complicit. Two children, whom no royal has ever met, are now in the line of succession, which Mr. Benjamin considers a farce. Megan is poised to capitalize on her advantageous position, and the final outcome may involve Charles paying whatever sum she demands. The future of the royal family hangs in the balance, and Megan appears to hold the cards. It’s a complex situation, and only time will reveal how it all unfolds.

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