Prince Philip died on April 9, 2021, after a prolonged stay in hospital. But while the Duke of Edinburgh fought, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show in America. The timing caused a major rift with the then-Prince Charles.

Prince Harry penned a “deeply personal” note to King Charles before he came home for Prince Philip’s funeral, it has been claimed.

The Duke of Sussex reached out to his father after their relationship “hit rock bottom”, where the future King was wounded by Harry’s tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. And back in 2021, just a year after him and Meghan Markle left their full time royal duties, their interview aired while Philip battled in hospital.

Sources close to Harry said he was “forced to write letters” to his father due to a “complete communication breakdown”. And now, one said he “outlined his reasons for leaving” while promising to “respect the institution” before coming back that year.

A royal source said, according to the Mirror: “Truth be told, Harry didn’t really know what to expect before he came home, which is why he reached out before seeing everyone.

“He wrote a deeply personal note to his dad to try and set things straight but tensions are still running high and things haven’t exactly ironed out the way he had hoped.

“There had been a kind of unspoken agreement between everyone to park whatever has been on each person’s mind, and solely concentrate on supporting the Queen ahead of Prince Philip’s funeral.

“The feeling inside the camp was that it wasn’t the time nor the place to go over things, especially at such an emotional time for everybody involved.”