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Humiliation: Meghan Markle’s Number Blocked by Furious Gavin Newsom Amid Harassment Allegations

Meghan Markle’s dream of a political career seems to be encountering major roadblocks, and you won’t believe what just happened in California with Governor Kevin Newsom.
Meghan Markle has been eyeing a career in politics, even setting her sights on Senator Dianne Feinstein’s position. However, it appears that the Democratic Party isn’t exactly thrilled about the idea of having her on board.

Things took a dramatic turn when Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, allegedly blocked her number. Yes, you heard that right. The Duchess of Sussex was reportedly harassing him with calls about her political ambitions.

Royal author and socialite Lady Colin Campbell claims that Meghan’s persistence in seeking Feinstein’s seat drove Newsom up the wall, leading him to cut her off completely. Can you imagine being blocked by a state governor? Yikes!

But that’s not all the drama. Remember when Meghan and Harry supposedly asked for a lift home to the USA from the Queen’s funeral in Air Force One? Well, it turns out they were snubbed by President Joe Biden. Talk about awkward!

According to Lady C, Meghan has been incredibly conniving and clever in trying to make her way into the political scene. However, her tactics seem to be backfiring as both Newsom and the Democratic Party distance themselves from her ambitions.

Although Senator Feinstein’s age and health have raised concerns about her ability to complete her term, even with a potential vacancy, it seems like Meghan’s political dreams have suffered a fatal blow. Blocked calls and questioned ambitions, it’s clear she’s facing an uphill battle.

So there you have it, fellow royal enthusiasts. Meghan Markle’s political aspirations have hit a major stumbling block. From alleged harassment to being snubbed by top politicians, it appears her Hollywood career may be faltering, and this might not be the only obstacle in her path. However, let’s remember that all of this is based on claims and rumors, so we’ll have to wait and see how it unfolds.

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