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77-year-old convict deemed “too old to be a threat” gets released, commits almost identical crime again!

Per reports, the 77-year-old inmate considered “too old” to be a threat was released from prison after serving 25 years. The elderly convict is reportedly back in jail for committing almost identical crime again. The 77-year-old man, Flick, was sentenced to serve 25 years in jail in 1979. His daughter, who is now an adult, said that the judge who released him from prison needed to explain to the woman’s sons why their mother was now dead.

The man reportedly he stabbed his wife 14 times in front of their daughter. Unfortunately, she later died at the hospital. In 2004, he was released after serving his sentence. However, he landed himself back in jail in 2010 for assaulting a woman. Several years later, he was released from jail because he was deemed “too old” to be a threat. Last year, Flick stabbed a 48-year-old homeless mother, Dobbie, 11 times in front of her children. He had been stalking her for days before he killed her.

Flick was convicted of murder and was sentenced to life in prison. Assistant Attorney General Ellis told jurors that Flick knew the victim was about to leave town and thought to himself, “If I can’t have her, I will kill her.” Days before the murder, he stalked the victim and her children around town where they were living, Dunkin’ Donuts, a local library, and the bus shelter. Friends of the woman who testified said that she tolerated his affection but did not want it.

Flick’s defense attorney, Lobozzo, stated there had been no indication that his client posed a threat. Dobbie was stabbed so many times that her heart and lung were pierced. Dobbie 11-year-old twin sons witnessed the murder, which was also caught on surveillance cameras. The jury in the latest trial were not told about Flick’s prior crimes, but they only deliberated for 40 minutes before finding him guilty. Flick said nothing throughout the trial and listened to the verdict through headphones although it is unclear why.

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