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Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas plans to sue all vaccine manufacturers for causing COVID

Naturally, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton pulled out his Rightwing Conspiracy dartboard since it’s a new month. A new investigation was launched as a result of his intense squinting and wrist flick.

The pharmaceutical firms Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are the subject of an investigation by Attorney General Paxton into whether they conducted gain-of-function research and misled the public about it.

Additionally, Paxton is looking into whether the businesses violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act by making false claims about the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines and the likelihood of transmission after receiving them.

The investigation will also examine any potential data tampering with vaccine trials. This investigation focuses on potentially fraudulent activity that is not covered by the legal immunity granted to the Covid-19 vaccine’s producers.

It will also examine the companies’ contentious practice of citing “relative risk reduction” rather than “absolute risk reduction” when describing the efficacy of their vaccines in public forums.

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